Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The way things change.

Monday we were dealt quite a blow. I've been struggling on wether to share on social media or not and after lots of thoughts and prayer I've decided to share our struggles. 

Isabelle turned 8 in June. Not long after she was diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder), ODD (Oppositional Difiance Disorder), and Anxiety Disorder. We were told she has red flags for Bipolar as well. We were expecting all that and quickly dug in to the work needed to address these issues. Things were getting a little better.

Then the bottom dropped out. Last week we became aware that our sweet, beautiful baby girl was having bizzar delusions. We quickly jumped into action. She has now added the diagnosis of mood disorder, unspecified with psychotic features. What this means is we don't have any answers. Over the next few months she will be observed in therapy and undergo testing to rule out health issues and will be tested for Autism as well. We were told that while early onset schizophrenia is rare (1 in 40,000) it could not be ruled out at this point. 

I have been devouring all the literature I can find about VEOS ( Very Early Onset Schizophrenia, which is diagnosed between the ages of 7 and 13) and I have to say I'm concerned. She has so many red flags. But she has an excellent care team and amazing family and regardless of the eventual diagnosis she will be loved and cared for. 

My prayer is that she will not be givin more than she can handle with or without our help. 

My goal in sharing what she is going thru is to spread awareness. The stigma of mental illness is not something a child should have to worry about. And I hope that by speaking out and sharing her story someone else might find comfort. 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Little by little

Today is child proofing day. My kids are 8, 5 and 2 (for 15 more days). We don't use child locks much as we already keep everything dangerous put where it can't be reached (mostly in locked cabinets in the garage)
Well, things are changing. Ever since Gideon learned to escape his play yard 2 months ago we've run into some issues.
We now keep the master bedroom locked with a key during the day (unless I'm in there, then it's a free pass. And these kids don't waste a second on getting into my bed and snuggling up to watch a show while I work on laundry in there.)
We had already installed chain locks up high on all exterior doors to keep Gideon from eloping. 
Last week we had to put a latch on the bathroom door that only the girls can reach (so they don't have to wait for me to unlock the door in an "emergency") because Gideon had flooded the bathroom for a third time. 
Yesterday I had to put a lock on the fridge. Gideon has become a bit obsessed with looking at the food inside, which is all fine and dandy ecsept when he leaves the freezer open and melts the ice cream, but now he's taking food out and hiding it around the house! The other day it was sour cream under the couch! Good thing I found that one quickly. 😷
He's started showing interest in the drawers now so that's today's project. 

We've always encouraged curiosity and natural consequences and just made sure anything outright deadly was put away, but this kid, my beautiful sweet baby boy could turn a plastic spoon into a weapon of mass destruction!

I don't know if it's a boy thing or an autistic thing or a personality thing. Could be any combination of the three. I find myself asking his therapists any time a new behavior appears if it's something they have seen before. 

I think that's what's the hardest about autism, you never quite know how you will be shocked or amazed by your kiddo. But I guess that true of parenting any child. Once I think about it, it's true of life in general. I guess life really is like a box of chocolates. 

I'm back...

So lots of things have happened since I last posted on this blog. 
We bought a house out in the country! And we couldn't be happier here. 
My husband has been promoted a few times at work. 
We lost my husbands beautiful grandmother, Cuma, at Thanksgiving in 2013.
Elle was diagnosed with an articulation disorder and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) in February of 2014
Gideon was diagnosed with Autism (ASD) and SPD in the Spring of 2014. 
Of coarse Isabelle couldn't be left behind and she was diagnosed with SPD a few months later. 
We bumped along dealing with our new life full of therapies for all the kids and hitting lots of potholes on our new path.
In October of 2014 I got sick and ended up having my gallbladder removed. It wasn't too bad and I got a whole week of watching bad TV in bed!
I started feeling unwell not long after the surgery but my symptoms would come and go but at my yearly checkup with my rheumatologist in the spring of this year I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.
Not long after that we had a scare with Isabelle that sent her into the care of a Therapist and eventually a Psychiatrist. She was diagnosed with ADHD, Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD), Anxiety Disorder and a possible Autism diagnosis. We will be doing testing thru Vanderbilt's Children's Hospital in November.  

I know that reads more like a bullet point list but I feel like I need to give it. As I move forward sharing our story I think it will help having that brief timeline. 

It's quiet time (nap time for those inclined), so I think I'm going to end here and enjoy the quiet for a bit. 

I'll be back soon.