So much has been going on the last few weeks. Where to start... Well, both girls ended up coming down with strep throat but Gideon, Hubbs and I all made it thru unscathed. Still counting my blessings on that one. Gideon's last labs where great. Crit of 32 and retic of 1.7. So great he was officially released from the care of his hematologist. I'm over the moon. We're finally done with all the isoimmunization issues! He's even on the curve for weight and height for his actual age now! This month has been great for him.
I picked up a part time job a while back and have been working a ton. I wish I could continue to be a full time stay at home mom but it's just not in the cards for us right now since we have big plans. Really big plans. We're going to buy our first home this spring (if everything goes right). We feel like it's finally the right time. Hubbs got a promotion and a huge raise last week. Granted to most people making 29k a year is laughable, to us it's a 6k a year raise. That's enough that after we finish saving our down payment for the house I should be able to quit working and stay home full time again. xx Fingers crossed xx.
The one big problem I'm having with working is I've just about lost all my gusto in caring for our home and schooling the girls. I go to work as soon as hubbs gets home and usually get home after 10. Then I work 10-11 hours a day on Sat and Sun each. I put so much energy into doing a good job and working hard that I've basically got nothing left for my family. I'm overwhelmed. I've been so cranky from not getting enough sleep that I've even been yelling at the girls again. That's not a part of myself I want the girls to deal with. I want to have time to do everything I need and want and get enough rest and it's just not happening.
There's lots of other stuff I wanted to talk about but this post has jumped around enough as is. I'll wait for another spare moment and update again. Hopefully soon.
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