Giddy and I decided to make a trip to the library and since then I've not gotten a single thing done. I wish I could find some hidden store of motivation.
Today is also the first day of imposing a technology ban in the house. We are all now allowed 1 hour of electronic time in the morning and 1 hour in the afternoon. That's everything from the TV to the Ipads, Ipods, nintendo and computer. Pretty much if it has a screen it's under the new ban. We are currently on minute 42 of our afternoon hour. I'm mentally preparing myself for the meltdown that's going to happen in 18 minutes. We, as a family, have become way to dependent on electronics to be our only source of entertainment, sometimes watching cartoons and playing on Ipads from the moment we wake up till it's bedtime. Enough is enough. It's time I step back into my children's lives and help them grow and learn. I've been absent for too long and now that Gideon is healthy I have no excuse to continue to tune them out.
Hopefully this will also kick start our homeschooling efforts again (Isabelle is in Kindergarten so there is not a ton of formal schooling to be done) since we dropped pretty much everything when we found out how sick Gideon was.
8 minutes left so I better go. I think tonight I'll start my old to do list system that worked well for me in the past. Fingers crossed.